
As an extremely busy past 6 months draws to a close, I can finally catch up on adding info to the site. New content will being regularly appearing in the 'Past Projects' section, production photography from the past 12 months will be added, and new audio examples and highlight clips can be found in the 'Noise' page. 

Persona at Belvoir

After and extremely successful and critically acclaimed season at Malthouse in Melbourne, which itself followed the original Theatre Works production, about which Alison Croggon wrote:  

This was a show that I couldn't fault in any of its particulars, and which as a whole manifests a lucid complexity that is rare in any medium. Subtle, detailed and truthful, this collaboration transfers the mystery at the heart of Bergman's film intact, while entirely remaking it. As I said, miraculous.

Persona is now 24 hours away from receiving it's first audience at Company B Belvoir, before it opens officially on Friday the 26th of July.  

If you are in NSW, I highly recommend getting in now to secure a ticket to this outstanding show. 

 more info


Palace of the End - the amazing response

Russell's sound design for Daniel Clarke's 'Palace of the End' was one of the stand-out components of an extremely well received production. The positive feedback was too overwhelming to link to individually, but one of the wonderful performers in the show, Hannah Norris, has done a great job of aggregating most of them in the one place. Head to:    


Persona returns

The underdog success of 2012, Fraught Outfit's 'Persona', returns to the stage this June & July with main stage seasons at the Malthouse in Melbourne and Company B Belvoir in Sydney. ​

The original season was completely sold out, and the demand for a return was so overwhelming that two of Australia's finest theatre companies decided to revive the production, and provide their audiences with an opportunity to see why this was the hottest ticket of 2012.​



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